Sunday, July 27, 2008

Having Trouble with your Windows Vista Setup?

The good people at this forum offer wonderful tips to get your installation of Vista up and running. One problem some seem to have is making folder settings permanent. Vista Forums offer a tutorial that shows how to make those folder settings stick!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Back to School

Summer vacation is almost over and I am anxious (as I usually am) to begin the new semester. I have been refreshed by the break and am rearing to go! I just hope the new professors that I have aren't the type to load on the work the first week in the semester. I much prefer to have a schedule visible that first week so that I may structure my work schedule to allow for plenty of school time.

Has anyone else experienced problems searching for required texts that are school specific? Does anyone have any sites they can recommend that specialize in school specific texts that offer discounts? I am always interested in your comments. And if you would like, please relay your thoughts on the coming semester.

Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Speed up Window's Vista Boot Time

I was reading a post in the vista newsgroup and a poster suggested one could speed up their Windows Vista boot time by changing the default boot option to boot using one processor to using multiple processors (depending on if you have a dual or quad core processor). I found a post at that also attested to this statement. I tried it myself and did notice a definite improvement in boot time.

Try it yourself and see what you think.

Monday, July 21, 2008

New iPhone

How are you enjoying your new, less expensive, more functional iPhone? I am still saddled with the old iPhone (never unlocked) and find the new additions nice. My question is how long will I have to wait before there is an app for forwarding SMS's? I know there is an app that can be used with bricked iPhones, but I never had the nerve to brick mine.


Hello world!

Hi fellow bloggers. This is my first foray into the world of blogging so, don't flame me too badly!

I suppose a little about myself wouldn't be remiss. I am a 42-yr old female who is 1 year away from retirement. No, don't be jealous already! This is retirement from the first career only. I plan on beginning a new one as soon as my degree is completed. My tentative field of "expertise" is accounting. I don't even know how that degree plan was chosen. I was headed down the track of business administration and became so enamoured of my first accounting class that I changed my degree plan without a second thought.

I would appreciate your thoughts on my road to the future. And those that would like to discuss their own future endeavors I encourage discussion.

Until then toodles....and tell me what what you have in mind?

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